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Yes to Nuclear Power?

Malaysian utility Tenaga has set up a nuclear energy taskforce to look into building a nuclear power station at the request of the country's government. This is a step to cut the over reliance on the natural gas and coal.

I think we should support this project even though someone might gain from this billion ringgit project. But first, it should be built somewhere near to the Singapore island. In term of safety, it shouldn't be a problem to us since our government have a very clean records in structures maintenance. Our Parliament will be a good example.

Why near Singapore? So that each time before they open their mouths and start demanding for something, they will think twice. This is because, we might leak a few drops of the plutonium into the air. Okay..okay.. I'm not anti-SG lah, just for fun only mah.

But, make sure we move our civilians far far away from the nuclear plant lah.

As for the Scorpene submarines, we just keep it within the Malacca Straits to "jaga", "teropong" and stop the illegal immigrants from entering our country.

By the way, please don't send "this kind of team" to negotiate the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around Pulau Batu Puteh... wtf


Avatar said...

Aiyoh2... How to support? If got cracks at power plant later how?

Cannot use gum to tampal leh?
