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Unbelievable!!! Food on the Move

Only if you think you have no time to eat a properly cooked fish....

Rid Yourself of Life's Little Annoyances

How to bid farewell to the things you want to eliminate from your life but can’t quite figure out how. Here are the tips!!!

Coffee Breath

Unlike onion and garlic odors, which enter your lungs and bloodstream, coffee breath can usually be curtailed by simply brushing your teeth and tongue, which are where odor-causing bacteria grow. A breath mint will mask the smell but only briefly. Can’t do either of the above? Fill your mug with water and give your mouth a swish.

Stomach Growls

If you suspected you should eat, you’re correct. But don’t chew gum. Swallowing air only exacerbates the sound.

Water in Your Ear

Mixes equal parts rubbing alcohol (to dry) and white vinegar (to disinfect) in an eyedropper. Then put a few drops in the ear canal, waits 30 seconds, and drains it.

Spinach in Teeth

Get creative, fake a cough and turn away, or pretend to drop something under the table so you can scrape your teeth. No toothpick? Try an earring post, or use a piece of thread as dental floss.

A Hand Stamp

Images from a fun night out should be stamped into your memory, not onto the back of your hand. Nail-polish remover with acetone, or baby wipes for those with sensitive skin, will remove a dark stamp.


Massage a new scar for five minutes, twice a day. Applying pressure forces the body to make scar tissue that is flatter and lighter in color. Start the treatment two to three weeks after the injury has healed and scabbing is gone. Stop rubbing after a year; no more improvement can be made to a scar after that.


When a cramp hits, usually resulting from dehydration, don’t fight your instincts. Stretch the affected area and massage in a circular motion, using mild to moderate pressure. Squeezing the area will also work if massaging is too painful.

Lingering Scent of Perfume

One too many sample spritzes and now you’re emanating a heady mixture of vanilla, patchouli, and rose. Perfume molecules that are bound to skin oil and protein can take several days to evaporate.To speed the process, scrub skin with soap, hot water, and a loofah. Wiping with a cotton pad and alcohol also works.

Cat-Urine Odor

Apply absorbent litter to the wet spot. Vacuum up the litter and scrub the area with a mixture of 3/4 cup bleach in 1 gallon water. (Spot-test rugs first in an inconspicuous place.) The bleach oxidizes smelly sulfur compounds. Follow with a paste of baking soda and water; let it dry, then vacuum.

Athlete's Foot

To treat the infection, whose symptoms include itching and peeling, keep your feet dry (moisture allows fungus to proliferate) and apply an over-the-counter antifungal cream. Sprinkling on foot powder will help reduce perspiration.

Why French people park their cars like that?

When I was in Paris, I was wondering why the French peoples like to park their cars bumper-to-bumper.

I can think of a few possibilities:
  1. To show that French peoples are indeed romantic. They proved it from the way they parked their cars.
  2. This is because France has a small parking space which could only fit the size of a Smart car.
  3. To avoid their cars from being stolen.

What would happen if we Malaysians park our cars like that?

My Day...

I did a terrible thing last night after shutting down my laptop. I broke my laptop LCD panel when I wanted to close it. T__T

I closed it too hard and I should have stopped closing it when I heard the cracking sound. Wanted to call up the HP service center to ask how much it costs to get it fixed. I know that it not worth repairing but I am trying to save some moneys okay.

Luckily, I still can tightened it back to it's original condition. But, looks like I can't close it forever edi. As long as I still can online, it's not a problem at all.

I slept around 2 a.m. this morning (could not sleep after the above incident) and managed to reach my office around 9.20 a.m. after having breakfast at my regular kopitiam in Bangsar. I was on leave the day before and it took me almost two hours to clear my incoming emails, wtf.

After responding to a few 'important' emails, me and my colleagues went out at 12.10 p.m. to Lau Heong Seafood restaurant at Bandar Baru Sentul to have our lunch. There are two floors i.e. ground floor (no air-cond) and 1st floor (with air-conditioning). I went to the toilet to 'pee' and my colleagues taking care the menu. I didn't ask what they have ordered. One thing for sure, always ask for the specialties. Can't go wrong, right?

We ordered a few of their specialties like 'Chu Sau' (Pork Hand) and fried chicken wings (4 pairs). The Chu Sau dish is not very big as we asked for a reasonable portion for 8 persons. It came with a curry gravy.

Below is the squids and prawns on hot plate. It's taste like a nonya-styled cooking. I think this is a regular menu on the customers' order list as almost all the tables have this dish.

Chicken wings... Taste? Average only.

Another seafood dish: 'LaLa'

We have two other dishes actually i.e. a deep-fried vegi and stingray (Sezhuan-styled sauce). No photos cos it came out late and I was busy eating at that time mah. The total bill is less than RM150.00. Now, see if you can read the captain's hand writing and guessing the dishes' prices.

And if you want to know the location, click on the below map to enlarge. The shop is in the green circle.

Me and my colleagues reached the office around 2 something. Once I reached my workstation, I forgot that I left my door access card and cabinet keys inside my car. I got to go down to the car to get my card and keys. I bumped into Grace at the lobby as she walked out from a lift. She went to my office building to see her 'good fren'... hah hah. (Good fren means Doctor).

Later in the evening, not sure why, my colleague, Catherine, is not feeling well. She felt very dizzy and looked terrible. We are suspecting that she got foods poisoning. But the rest of us are alright. She wanted to ask her cousin to come to the office (with a friend) to bring her and drive her car back to Taman Midah. She was worried to left her Myvi at Pusat Bandar Damansara's parking overnight.

However, her cousin can only come after finishing some works. So, me and my other colleague, Kim, decided to bring her home. We left the office around 7 p.m. I drove her car, she showed the way with Kim on his car.

We managed to reached Taman Midah around 8 p.m. While on our way back to the office, we saw 4 cages containing chickens stranded at the Pandan roundabout. Very funny!! We are joking whether we should go down and catch a few chickens.

Kim could not had dinner with me because he need to rush to his in-laws' house. So, I got to 'ta-bau' a fried rice for my dinner and reached home around 10 something.

I'm off again on Friday as I got something to do as well. I decided to make chicken soup using a slow cooker. It will be ready by tomorrow lunch time ^_^


Please click to enlarge....

Malaysia's JALAN

How are you going to tell the taxi driver.........????

Driver : Nak ke mana cik?

Penumpang : Saya nak ke bandar Sunway. Dekat jer, rumah saya kat Jalan Puki Mak U Lah...

Driver : Cik, kita ni orang Melayu. Tak boleh ke gunakan bahasa yang lebih sopan.

Penumpang : Nak sopan macam mana lagi bang. Dah memang itu nama jalannya.

Driver : %$#@&*

Digital Camera - Olympus FE-320

I bought this Olympus FE-320 few months ago for RM699.00. It came with these standard things:
  • Strap - short
  • Battery
  • Battery charger
  • USB cable
  • AV cable
  • Olympus CD-ROM
  • Removable Olympus xD-Picture card - 1 GB
It has 3 colours to choose : Silver / Black / Pink

Besides that, I have these freebies as well:
  • Mini tripod
  • Olympus strap - long
  • Cleaning cloth
FE-320's specifications:
  • 8.0 megapixels
  • Internal memory - 48 MB
  • Recording file format - JPEG
  • 2.7 inch LCD monitor
  • Self-timer
  • Stabilizer mode
  • Shooting modes: Auto, Optimum, Anti-Shake, People, Landscape, Scene and Guide

Under the Scene mode, the camera has 13 available scene modes:
  1. Night + Portrait
  2. Night scene
  3. Sport
  4. Indoor
  5. Candle
  6. Self portrait
  7. Sunset
  8. Fireworks
  9. Behind class
  10. Cuisine
  11. Documents
  12. Auction
  13. Smile shot

FE-320 has other feature such as Face Detection Technology and it can detects up to 3 faces at a time and it will adjust for optimum result.

Below are some of the sample images taken using FE-320.

#1 Night Scene mode

#2 Another shot using Night Scene mode.

#3 Sport mode (Langkawi Island)

#4 Auto mode (Langkawi Island)

# 5 Indoor mode

#6 Zooming in function

# 7 Cuisine mode (Famous cuisine in HangZhou ^_^)

# 8 Landscape mode (at HuangShan)

#9 Auto mode - Ouch!! My hand got stuck (YuYuen Garden, Shanghai).

My only complaint - must have patient to take a good picture. Why? There are times, I find it difficult to take a good shot even using the Sport or Anti-Shake mode. Very often, I need to take another 1 or 2 shots to get the satisfactory result.

There is another function that I have yet to explore i.e. creating a panoramic picture using the Olympus Master software on the provided CD-ROM.