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Dryer Balls for laundry

I bought these Dryer Balls for RM7.90 at Ace Hardware. I find it very funny, that's the reason why I bought it for trying.

These balls could be used to soften and fluff laundry. We can save $$$ by not using fabric softener.

The shape looks like a durian, wtf. I thought of using it as some kind of palm massager.

Read "How It Works". It said safe for all fabrics, don't know how true it is.

Anyway, I try to use the Dryer Balls to wash my clothes like T-shirts, pants and towels first.

Before: I leave my working shirts and pants aside. Just afraid the balls would spoil it.

After: Looks no different to me. Dunno whether my clothes got rosak boh. Wait, it did mention about guarantee...

If I really want to claim for a replacement, there is no address, wtf. How to claim?

My new hiking pole

Finally, I bought this hiking pole for RM52.00 after 20% discount at World of Sports, The Garden. A bit pricey, but I'm lazy to shop around. A friend told me that I could buy hiking pole from a company at Taman Shamelin, Cheras for around RM30++

There are 3 parts.

From now onwards, I don't have to search for branch as a walking stick liao while climbing mountain.

I have submitted my name to the organiser for this coming Saturday Tabur West Sunrise Climb (the world largest quartz & limestone combination formation). I hope they will confirm my place.

Seam Reap 1 - Tonle Sap

This is my 1st post on my Seam Reap trip back in May 2009. I'm just lazy to upload the photos to this log :)

I took the flight from LCCT to Seam Reap. Some snapshots from inside the Airbus.

Seam Reap International Airport. Very simple airport, nothing much to see :(

I dunno that the hotel sent it's staff to pick their hotel guest from the airport. Luckily I saw a guy holding a card with the guest name and hotel name printed on it :)

On the way to Tonle Sap lake to see floating village.

At the jetty and boarding a boat to the floating village.

On both sides, we can see floating houses, schools and churches.

Finally, the floating village after about 45min boat ride.

Pig rearing on the lake?

The floating village is mainly occupied by the Vietnamese and Khmers.

A Vietnamese school.

This lake has crocodiles as well? wtf.

While on my way back to the hotel, the driver stopped at a stall selling grilled mice. Anyone is dare to eat?

I'm sick @.@

I'm down with cough, fever and sore throat yesterday. Luckily, there is no flu symptom and breathing difficulty. Else, I got to go to the government hospital to take the H1N1 test.

I went to the clinic twice on the same day ie one in the morning (near my home) and afternoon (at my office).

The first doctor only gave me antibiotic, flu pills and cough syrup. Then, in the afternoon, I went to see doctor again for fever. The second doctor gave me 1 1/2 days MC. Now, I got to rest at home.

Bought 500GB Mobile HDD at PC Fair

I went to PC Fair today with my colleague and his friend. I saw my colleague's Facebook status asking anyone going to PC Fair this morning... hahaha. So, I just SMS him that I will be going there too and we fixed the time and place to meet up.

I reached the convention hall around 10.45am and have waited about 25 minutes for my colleague.

After shopping around and comparing different mobile HDD prices, we ended with the Hitachi brand.

I bought 500GB for myself and 320GB on behalf of a friend. My colleague bought the 320GB as well. After negotiating with the sales person, he gave RM5.00 discount each for the 320GB only =(

Anyway, I think it's still a bargain for 500GB at RM319.00. The 320GB costs RM205.00, after discount.

How big is 500GB? It can stores up to 500 video hours ~ with DVD kind of quality and depending on the compression rate.

The casing is not bad.

I have the following TVB series inside there liao. I went to a friend's house to copy the series few hours ago..... muahahaha.