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Qualified yet getting peanuts?

Have you ever wondered why your colleague:
  • who does the same job as you,
  • has passed fewer exams than you, but
  • is paid more because you have less experience?

There is an argument that individuals doing the same job should be paid equally. Correct? But this is not the case.

One thing that we have to accept: We as an employee can ask for more shits but not the salaries. And this is a fact!

The more exams (I’m referring to a Master and/or PhD… hah hah) you pass, the more you’ll boost your earnings potential. There are more factors to be taken into account than paper qualifications.

Loyalty (?), with knowledge of company culture and systems (?), experience and versatility in a wide range of tasks (?), skills sets (including areas such as coaching or reports writing?), and performance standards (affecting quality and productivity?) are all important considerations.

Employers also often place a value on people based on individual assessments made by managers. I’m not talking about @$$ licking okay! It’s about aptitude!

It’s easy for us to judge ourselves as ‘better’ than our peers. But this is only our opinion mah, it’s those controlling the “$$$$$” that get to say who’s of greater value to the organization and get more pay.

However, this is not the end of the world. Always remember these:
  1. Be positive - this creates endless opportunities and reason for optimism.
  2. Instead of wallowing in resentment, identify ways in which you can increase your value to your employer.
  3. What new skills might you acquire through informal coaching or work shadowing?
  4. What extra responsibility could you ask for - even if you have to take it on without an immediate pay increase - simply to prove yourself?
  5. What tasks do you currently undertake where you could improve?
  6. In which areas of the business can you make an impact, thereby raising your profile, getting more immersed in the organisation and seeing how you can add value?
  7. Pray to the GOD!
  8. Buy more Big Sweeps! Once you strike the jackpot, no need to work lor.

People who think along those lines, rather than being bogged down in black-and-white comparisons with others, are the ones who find themselves favoured when pay reviews come around. Do you believe it or not?


Life can seem ungrateful and not always kind.
Life can place challenges right at your feet...
Life can overwhelm you and make your head spin...
Life can be hurtful and not always fair...


Take the Life that you have and give it your best...
Think positive, be happy let God do the rest...
Take the challenges that life has laid at your feet...
Take each day that is dealt you and give it your all...