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You Just Can't be SEXY here

I didn't notice that the news was being released yesterday. I read the news (from one "fan cheong") from The Sun today while having the "chu cheong fan" for my breakfast at Bangsar.

Now, what make me so damn confused is this:

Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister said:
  • That the concert falls during the nation's independence period and was not a suitable time to hold such a concert.
  • There are a lot of events on Aug 29 and the Ministry does not want the independence and the near Ramadan month to be filled with such pop and rock culture.
So Friday night, what does that means? You mean peoples better go to the pub/disco and goyang kepala and buntut izit?
  • We should be instilling good culture in the young but here we are allowing other parties to organise things.
Installing good culture like Mat-Rempits you are saying?

  • The organisers were promoting the event even before they got approval from the relevant agencies.
  • All organisers, local and foreign, should adhere to the rules and regulations before promoting the concert and selling tickets to the public.
Galaxy is so stupid one meh? This is not their first time organising a concert in Malaysia. SHOULD WE JUST BOYCOTT GALAXY?

We have just become the laughing stock of the world.

By the way, Money Not Enough II trailer. Why talking about $$$ here ah?