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Salary Survey - Due for a Pay Rise

Got it from the Jobstreet.com Malaysia:

A typical Manager with a Professional Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking,
  • working in Malaysia
  • specializing in Finance - General/Cost Accounting
earns an average salary of RM5,650.00. Others would earn between RM4,600.00 and M7,050.00 (Bottom 25% and Top 25%).

I don't feel like waking up and going to work tomorrow :(

So, looking forward for a pay rise? Read below for tips ^_^

  • Be persuasive: Keep on asking for a pay rise until your Boss could not stand it anymore.
  • Aim high, and be realistic: Stand in front of a big mirror and tell yourself that you’ll get a pay rise one day. Do this consistently without fail.
  • Start off with the right tone: Preferable using a strong tone and/or give threats (e.g. will resign if you don’t increase my pay). How your Boss is going to notice if you start off with a soft one? If you are a girl, maybe, try to be bitchy a bit lor.
  • Clarify your interests: Tell your Boss straight away that you are only interested in the compensation package and other valuables (e.g. flexi working hours) rather than producing results.
  • Create several options: Joint brainstorming on the type of compensation packages.
  • Focus on objective criteria: No money no talk, as simple as that’s.
  • Think through your alternatives: In case you cannot persuade your boss to say yes, you need to have a plan B to satisfy your interests. RESIGN or TRANSFER?
  • Prepare thoughtfully to achieve your goals: You have to invest a significant amount of your time and energy in asking for a pay rise.
  • Review to learn: The only way you can really improve your ability to negotiate is to explicitly learn from your experiences. No pain no gain mah.


But, make sure your Boss is not Mr. Trumph kind of Boss or else.....


Avatar said...

So, you got apply this or not?

KK said...

hah hah hah...second one lor

Aim high, and be realistic: Stand in front of a big mirror and tell yourself that you’ll get a pay rise one day. Do this consistently without fail.

hah hah... LOL