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Garmin Mobile XT on Nokia e71

I have successfully installed the Garmin Mobile XT on my Nokia e71 and using the Malsing map. The e71 came with the pre-installed Nokia map. However, it's only valid for 3 months after which ones got to pay to use.

The e71 has the built-in GPS satellites receiver. So, not a problem to install extermal GPS navigator provider like Garmin. Garmin Mobile XT runs on the Symbian S60 platform.

If you need more details on the Garmins Mobile XT, please visit www.malsingmaps.com/forums/. The forum have many discussions on how to install Garmin Mobile XT into PDAs or smartphones.

Malsing map is available for download at FOC. There are two versions i.e. West Malaysia-Singapore map and East Malaysia map. However, the free download version is not the latest one. Ones got to pay as well for the latest version. The West Malaysia-Singapore map that I am using is last updated at 1Jan 2008.

Just to test out the Malsing map, I have selected to go to Giant Kinrara from Pelican factory, near Puchong Koi Tropika. Go to the Point of Interest (PIO) menu and select the Grocery and select the desired location.

After selected the desired location, just click the Go button or you can view the map as well.

The navigator has the voice instruction to tell how far the selected POI from your current location.

It tells which turn to take (left or right), how many metres before the turning, go take a ramp ahead or to make a u-turn. If you missed a turn, the navigator will re-calculate the routing and direct you back to the correct alternative direction.

Here is another picture after turning into Jalan Bukit Jalil-Puchong from the LDP near the IOI mall.

Finally, I reached with destination ie Giant Kinrara without any problem.

Will test the Garmin navigator out of the city to see if it workable.


Grace Lee said...

I just installed the Garmin into my E71 yesterday. Yet to explore.

blogface said...

Can Help me....

Anonymous said...

i have installed garmin into my E71 but could not authenticate Garmin GPS device. Can you help?

Maggie Ng

KK said...

Hi Maggie,

Please email me ~ whymaywhy@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I received the E71 as a gift, but without the original Garmin disk. The software is on my phone - I can see the app, but I do not know hoe to activate it without the disk.

KK said...

Veda - did u read thro the forum on how to activate the Garmin?