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The 6 most enjoyable fantastic jokes – choice of Malaysians


Pak La, Najip and Semi were patrolling in a helicopter

Semi: 'if I drop a thousand-note from here, the person that picks it up must be very happy'

Najip: 'if I throw 2 five hundred-notes down, it will make 2 person happy'

Pak La: 'if I drop 10 one hundred-note, there will be 10 happy person'

The pilot murmuring to himself:'why don't all of you just jump down from here, that makes 26 million persons happy'.


Semi wish to enhance his reputation by publishing 1 series of stamps with his portraits 1 month after the launch, Semi surveys about its sales

Post Office Chief: 'not bad… but quite number of complains that the glue is not strong enough'

Semi: 'really…?' he spit at the back of the stamp and stick the stamp on an envelope 'the glue is ok'

Post Office Chief: 'but… every one spits on the face of the stamp ….'


Midnight, Najip went for supper and bump into a robber: 'give me all your money!!'

Najip was very angry: 'I am the honorable Deputy Prime Minister! Better behave yourself'

Robber: ' well, then … return all my money'

One fine day, PM and parliament members were on the way to a meeting where they all crashed into an accident and being rushed to the hospital. The reporters were at the hospital, the doctor shook his head 'we have done our best to rescue the PM but …'

Reporters: 'how about Najip?'

Doctor: 'we were unable to rescue him either …'

Reporters: 'who have you saved?'

The doctor was exicted: 'Malaysia is saved (has a hope) now'


Semi visited the psychiatric hospital. All the patients hurray for him but there is one patient who ignored Semi
Semi: 'why is he not well coming my arrival?'
'he is normal (not insane) today' say the doctor


Semi had an accident when he was on his way to a village for election campaign
A farmer saw and rushed to the scene but all the passengers were dead. He buried all the passengers (politicians).
Few days later, the police in charge found the farmer and asked where all the politicians were,'have they all died?'

Farmer: ' hmmm, Semi was screaming that he is still alive when I bury him ….'

Police: ' why you buried him anyway?'

Farmer: 'because Semi never tells the truth'