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My new running shoe - NB MR1225

I am desperate to get a new running shoe after my old Reebok shoe has been worn out. Luckily, the old Reebok shoe managed to survive the New Balance Pacesetters 15K run on 16 May 2010 :)

On 23 May 2010, I went to the N-Concept Store at The Garden with another 3 friends to shop for new running shoes. We borrowed the N-Concept member from another friend to enjoy discount of 30% on all NB products.

However, the lucky star is on our side, the NB store is giving additional 10% discount for N-Concept members for that week.

The original price for MR1225 is RM429.00. The discounted price is RM257.40. This is the most expensive running shoe I have ever bought in my life :|

At first, I wanted to choose the Black & Red color shoe. However, they don't have my size (US 11). Anyway, my friends said they like this color very much.. the Green color is more sharp :)