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My new hiking pole

Finally, I bought this hiking pole for RM52.00 after 20% discount at World of Sports, The Garden. A bit pricey, but I'm lazy to shop around. A friend told me that I could buy hiking pole from a company at Taman Shamelin, Cheras for around RM30++

There are 3 parts.

From now onwards, I don't have to search for branch as a walking stick liao while climbing mountain.

I have submitted my name to the organiser for this coming Saturday Tabur West Sunrise Climb (the world largest quartz & limestone combination formation). I hope they will confirm my place.


Grace Lee said...

why you need a walking stick... I thought that one is for old people...

KK said...

no lah... this stick is very helpful.

Use it to take the pressure off your back and legs when hiking. They are especially useful on steep climbs and when carrying a backpack.