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Signs You're Headed for Money Trouble

#1: Your Finances are Disorganized
Overdue bill payments, unbalanced cheque books....

#2: You Borrow More Than You Save
If you borrow more than you save, it will catch up with you.

#3: You Spend Like There's No Tomorrow
Unfortunately, we live in a "I want it NOW" society. That's one reason why we use credit cards and personal loans to cover those immediate gratification must-haves.

#4: You Rob Peter to Pay Paul
If you don't know what it's means, that's good!

#5: You Write Cheques Your Bank Can't Cash
Here's a four-letter word for you if you're regularly bouncing cheques – STOP!

#6: You Pay Too Many Late and Penalty Fees
Stop throwing your money away! Be diligent (and punctual) today. There'll be more money to save tomorrow. You can COUNT on it!

#7: You Don't Have an Emergency Fund
What would you do if you lost your current job and couldn't find a new one? How would you pay your bills... eat... pay for petrol...loans? How would you LIVE?