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News on X'mas week

I am sure everyone is expecting, at least, some good news for the coming 2009.

I received an email from my company's management on late Tuesday's evening concerning the 2009 compensation package.

The email stating that the company is deferring the timing of annual salaries increases to March 2009 instead of January 2009. Reason: to allow time for the Company to collect more market information (down sizing, pay cut????) to ensure that the Company is making a fair and competitive decision about increases [or decreases kah??? -.-III ). Talking about bonus? No eyes see.

I am not sure whether to take this piece of news as a good or bad news - "to collect more market information".

One thing for sure, I am going to take some prudence steps (you too??) for the coming year and to save as much as possible for the worst days O.o

Got to defer my plan to replace my car again liao :(


Jys said...

do market research? i think they wanna see how other companies treating their staff lar.. if most of the comp gives increments and bonus, then they will follow..else... u know lar...